Tag: Free-form Jottings
Think the Chinese version is better: 在orvieto考了五个星期的古,开始迷上这个小镇。宁静的土壤,简单的人们。要离开了又开始不舍。Paolo看着我难受,认真地对我说,离别时要想着所经历的美好,没有什么是最后一次。讲着讲着我不敢看他的眼睛。下车的时候他用那卷着r的意大利英语,伸出头对我喊,remember to look at the positive aspects! 我只能嗯一声,猛回头走进我们住的scuola,噎下一句ciao ciao。Arrivederci吧,愿还能再见。 English: Orvieto is a city full of stars. Dense yet light, bright but soft. The rain these days was…
World of Wires
It was quite a disturbing play so I left a little early because some scenes triggered. Yet it is worthy to write down what I thought since the play's idea is closely related to what I studied in philosophy. World of Wires is a theatrical attempt to disguise…
忍不住要偷偷的把今天记录下来。 Woke up with a habitual annoyance that I wanted to slap someone so I went for a run. Today was hot, and I got a little dehydrated in the middle of the trail. Well, I sucked it up. Then it got hotter. Spontaneously. The sun shined so hard and…
The Waste Land
Can't stop recalling the first two verses of Eliot's The Waste Land today. And it is too deep to analyze. So I leave the script here only (the first section of the poem).. And nothing better than Eliot's own recitation of the poem: https:…
On Happiness
Yesterday I read the commencement speech of UChicago 2017 given by David Brooks. Then I picked up a question that has puzzled me for a long time:what is the purpose of life? It is ironic that I encountered this question again, now, at this state. And somehow I still…