Tag: On Running

  1. Unfinished Fragments

    Collective Imagination is the Microscope into Reality There are two ways collective imagination serves as a medium that magnifies the problems in society: fake news and innovation. The first is a negative construction, an imagination with few roots but mostly fabrication; the second is a positive construction, an imagination that…

    on Free-form Jottings On Running

  2. NYC Marathon 2022

    Fundraising Snippet that I wrote in December 2021 I started running when I was 15. My high school - Miss Porter's - required each of us to fulfill a sport's participation. I sucked at sports that involve a ball, so Cross Country was the last option.…

    on On Running

  3. 4 Miles Today

    New York has been raining for the past two days. After two weeks of resting, I had to resume my training - if it should be called so. Treadmill outlooks the Manhattan skyline, with Silvercup Studio standing in the middle. Subway 7 passes right before the building. Two tracks -…

    on On Running

  4. 又在路上

    还是不喜欢钱钟书的句子。弯曲纽绕,参杂着很多并不恰当的拟词。老妈让我重读围城,目前为止我还是没有领悟到什么深刻的道理。上次读围城好像是读出了东西。也许我自作多情地忘了。 最近一个有趣的发现是,我喜欢的东西一直没变。它们自己来找我了。上次提到的插画家,大学的时候就悄悄从网上保存了他的作品。以前听的歌也被spotify一一翻出,随意地播放到耳朵里。很多想要跑步的冲动就是这样产生的。 2016年有次和Prof.Rumble聊天,不知道在何种语境下我和她说,哲学和跑步是我这一生不可以放弃的东西。向她说的目的,更多的是告诉自己千万不可以丢失能抓住一点的自我。我预想到毕业后,时间和物质不可以再充足地允许我肆意妄为。 明天要跑布鲁克林的半马。上一次的半马还是在2018年的4月,我的第一个trail half。那次跑的无比艰难,之后搬来纽约也没有积极地去寻找。 准确的算它4年,我又再一次在路上。让我难受的是,我的步伐大幅的落后减慢了。即使精神上已基于那不下八次的经验做好充足的准备,身体上的限制又迫使我考虑不同的可能性,给预判增加了难度。明天到底会跑的怎样,我不知道。 所以要做最好的计划,预习…

    on On Running

  5. What Do I Think About When I Run

    I don't usually think when I run. I just stare at the ground and follow the path. The sound of my footsteps synchronizes with my sluggish emptiness, and everything becomes the outside. It feels like an ecstasy - no worries, no distractions, nothing. From this nothingness I dig…

    on On Running